CNA - Life and Family | Humanae Vitae | The Year of the Peirasmòs - 1968 | Cardinal James Francis Stafford

CNA Resources has published an article (or better yet, a "meditation or reflection") by Cardinal James Francis Stafford, Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary, on the events following the release of Humanae Vitae. The reflection is long, detailed and documents an important series of events that resonate still. It is a reflection well worth reading. As Cardinal Stafford concludes:

The whole people of God, including children and adolescents, now must look into the abyss and see what dread beasts are at its bottom. Each of us shudders before the wrath of God, each weeps in sorrow for our sins and each begs for the Father’s merciful remembrance of Christ’s obedience.