Papal Authority Under Attack

There is no doubt that Papal Authority is under attack by the media and via "press release." Two sad posts illustrate this. To wit:

As Breviarium Romanum has pointed out so aptly:

Benedict XVI has declared war on the toothless version of Christianity that has gutted Holy Mother Church in the name of a supposed "spirit" of Vatican II, laying waste to the praxis of Holy Faith in liturgy and life. No authentic spirit of the council may set itself up against the letter of that same Council without disastrous results.

The Holy Father's nominee is being used to attack the Pope by those who have placed themselves on the opposing side in the battle for the life of the Church. God grant them the grace to see the true danger in which they stand by opposing the Vicar of Christ.
The comments at RORATE CAELI describe the danger of this entire precedent--a redux of Humanae Vitae. Please pray for the Holy Father! Forces of incredible force are aligned against him.

Such a betrayal is not possible for the Church without a resulting evisceration of the Body of Christ which must be faithful to the whole Gospel or to none of it. There is no middle way: "If you are lukewarm I will spit you out of my mouth".
