Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - February 27th, 2017 to March 5th, 2017 - Ordo for the Week

Integrated Catholic Life - Practical Lessons for a Deeper Faith this Lent

February, 2017

Season of Septuagesima


March, 2017

Season of Lent


See Ordo of the F.S.S.P., page 8, I. Votive Masses, B. 1-4. "...On third class ferias of Lent, they (i.e., the 3rd Class Votive Masses for 1st Thursday, 1st Friday and 1st Saturday) are not prohibited by the rubrics, but the ferial Mass would seem preferable, at least in churches where only one daily Mass is celebrated...".

H/T: Ordo: F.S.S.P.

H/T: Tridentine Latin Rite Missal Project
